Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen
composer, soloist
- Enkle Danske Sange (Simple Danish Songs) (2002)
- Konstateringer (Statements) (1969)
- Turn (1993)
- Double (1994)
- Tre stadier (Three Stages) (2003)
- Eksempler (Examples) (1970)
- Concerto grosso (1990-2006)
- Symfoni, Antifoni (Symphony, Antiphony) (1977)
- Solo for Electric Guitar (1972)
- String Quartet No. 10 (2011) “New Ground”
- Triptykon
- Statements (in English) (1969)
- Moving Still (2004)
- String Quartet No. 9 (2006) “Last Ground”
- Spejlstykker (Mirror Pieces) (1980)
- Passacaglia (1977)
- Territorialsang (Territorial Song) (1995)
- In terra pax (1961)
- Plateaux pour deux (Plateaux for Two) (1970)
- Spejl III (Mirror III) (1974)
- Still. Leben (1999)
- Countermove (1999)
- In Triplum (1999)
- Det er så favrt i Jelling at hvile (Fair it is to rest in Jelling) (2000)
- Arkaisk procession (Archaic Procession) (2000)
- Spejlkabinet (Mirror Cabinet) (2002)
- Madrigaler fra naturens verden (Madrigals from the Natural World) (2001)
- Igen (Again) (2006)
- For Piano (1992)
- Plateaux, for Piano and Orchestra (2005)
- For cello og orkester (For Cello and Orchestra) (1996/2000)
- Mester Jakob (Frère Jacques) (1964)
- Skabelsen - den 6. dag (The Creation - The 6th Day) (1991)
- Je ne me tairai, jamais. Jamais. (I Shall Never Be Silent. Never.) (1966) (in French)
- Poèmes de Samuel Beckett (Poems by Samuel Beckett) (1986)
- Je ne me tairai, jamais. Jamais. (I Shall Never Be Silent. Never.) (1966) (Narration in Danish)
- Spejl II (Mirror II) (1973-75)
- Incontri (2010)
- Near Still Distant Still (2005)
- Run (2012)
- Song (2010)
- Play (2010, rev. 2012)
- Sound I (2011)
- Sound II (2011)
- Company (2010)
- Songs Without (1976)
- Ad Cor (2015)
- Trafik (1994)
- Repriser (1965)
- Rerepriser (1967)